How to Apply For & Communicate With CPA Networks

When you are getting started with your affiliate marketing journey the first thing you need to get sorted is the application process for CPA Networks. I remember when I was 16 and 17 I had to do the calls and barely spoke English BUT I knew exactly what to say, I used the lingo that is used by the industry (EPC, CPC, etc..) and I got approved right away as I showed a professional image.


Many newbies don't understand the importance of representing themselves as a professional media buying agency, but I believe this is a mistake as if you want to succeed in this business you need be taken seriously. Let me put you into the CPA Network's head for a minute: Just imagine on the wild wild web the many fraudsters that go and try to cheat the “system”. CPA Networks get tons of applications DAILY and fight these shady people so if you are represented as a solo person, you may seem suspicious, especially if you are applying from a foreign country. Secondly, applying as a...

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Challenges as a Beginner Affiliate Marketer

The #1 asset you need to build out in your affiliate marketing journey is: TRUST

As we all know business is based on trust. Now I'm sure many of you can relate to the story when I had to call in CPA Networks to get approved so I can run their offers and when I did the application they were already very skeptical, first because I was a young girl, second because I was calling from a foreign country speaking broken English and third because I knew what I was talking about, which was not very common. Not many people believed I was real, so I knew I had to show myself, that's why I went to attend my very first trade show 

I kind of felt lonely as I was surrounded by thousands of strangers who are all there for the very same reason – to network, to grow their business, to find opportunities to make more money, to cut better deals.

So how do you break out from the loneliness and start networking?

Prepare for the show. Make a list of what networks to meet face-to-face, if you...

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